Record setting premium reported to SLTX in April

Record setting premium reported to SLTX in April

For the first time, one month of surplus lines premium reporting topped $1 billion. April premium reported to the Surplus Lines Stamping Office of Texas was $1.02 billion, an amount the stamping office called “unprecedented.” April 2022’s reported premium exceeded...
TWIA committee prepares biennial report to legislature

TWIA committee prepares biennial report to legislature

In slightly less than two hours, the Legislative and External Affairs Committee of the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association moved to include in the board’s biennial report to the legislature 11 recommended changes in law, along with some discussion of public policy...
Jessica Hahn installed president of AAIP

Jessica Hahn installed president of AAIP

Overcoming the toll that the last two years have dealt the Austin Association of Insurance Professionals and restoring membership numbers, finances and hands-on community service are Jessica Hahn’s main goals. Hahn was installed president of the local FIWT association...
Inflation could leave many homeowners underinsured

Inflation could leave many homeowners underinsured

A new survey for the American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA), conducted online by The Harris Poll among over 1,000 U.S. homeowners who have a homeowners insurance policy, revealed a majority of insured homeowners have not taken steps to ensure their...
A Louisiana court places Lighthouse in liquidation

A Louisiana court places Lighthouse in liquidation

On April 28, a Louisiana court declared the homeowners’ carrier Lighthouse Property Insurance Corporation insolvent and placed it into liquidation. Lighthouse was among the top 40 homeowners writers in Texas in 2020. When Lighthouse Property Insurance Corporation quit...
Every 21st century business has a data breach exposure

Every 21st century business has a data breach exposure

The world is different now. Information is valuable. Information falling into the wrong hands carries destructive potential. Jason Hayes, CIC, AIS, RT Specialty, addressed the members of the Federation of Insurance Women of Texas, to make them more familiar with data...