From a young age, Moon knew he would juggle at least two jobs at a time. He said he comes from a family where the men worked two jobs, including starting their own businesses, and he assumed that to be the natural order of the world.
In 1977, Moon started training in law enforcement, a career he remained in until 1996, first in the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, then with the Pasadena Police Department, then the Galveston City Police Department. In the early 1980s, he read Andrew Tobias’s The Invisible Banker and became fascinated with the insurance business. So, while still in law enforcement in 1985, he started Moon Insurance, a Farmers Insurance agency. As business grew, he reduced his law enforcement career to part-time. Moon said he loves law enforcement and is still involved in supporting law enforcement.
In 2006, Moon left Farmers and opened Moon Insurance Managers, an independent agency in Houston. His side job then was as a real estate agent. He obtained a real estate broker’s license in 1998 and opened Moon Realty Partners. While he has a few realtors working for him, he limits his real estate sales representation to his insurance customers. The businesses complement one another, said Moon, especially when his insurance customers are parties to business lease agreements. “Knowledge of real estate has been helpful,” he said. “It helps me focus on my customers’ needs. Insurance remains my core business.”
Moon became a board member and president-elect of PIA Texas during Gorman’s second two-year term as president when Gorman was in search of a successor and no one on his first term board was willing to step up.
Moon’s college studies followed a nontraditional route. About seven years elapsed between high school and college. He holds an associate degree from the College of the Mainland in Texas City and pursued a public relations/government course of studies at the University of Houston on a part-time basis from 1982 to 1989. He left the program 12 hours short of graduating, as he concentrated on growing his insurance agency.
Over the next two years, Moon hopes to visit communities throughout Texas and engage friends who are “centers of influence” independent agents and plant the seeds to start multiple local PIA chapters. He also hopes to engage members with an “adopt a charity” community service project. Moon, who has coached Special Olympic athletes for three years, would like to spread his interest in supporting Special Olympics to other PIA Texas members. He said the PIA in New Jersey is a big Special Olympics supporter.
Moon said that the PIA Texas legislative agenda centers on PIA National’s efforts, supporting reauthorization of the national flood program, seeking repeal of the Federal Insurance Office, protecting crop insurance, and maintaining tax deductions favorable to independent agents. Moon hopes to focus some attention on state legislative efforts as well in the coming years.
During the virtual PIA Texas Annual Meeting, Tim Thompson, CIC, CISR, Alison and Thompson Insurance, was elected president-elect; Jeff Rea, CIC, West Texas Insurance Exchange, was elected treasurer, and Nohora Cifuentes, MCH Multiservices, secretary.
Gorman remains on the Executive Committee as past president. He also serves as National Director. PIA Texas Executive Director Victoria Reece also serves on the executive committee.
Mark Solomon Sr., Assurnet Insurance Agency, was elected to the board of directors. Solomon joins continuing board members Deedre Payne, Payne Insurance Group; Debbie Moses-Dziga, Dziga Insurance, and Mohamad Momin, Starr Insurance Agency.
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